art, religion, dreams and the nature of reality

01:58:10,800 –> 02:00:16,449 the gap between the finite and comprehensible and the infinite and incomprehensible A… it’s like we live in the finite and comprehensible but we’re surrounded by the infinite and incomprehensible and there has to be a border between those of something like a mediating border that’s poetry and art that’s narrative that’sContinueContinue reading “art, religion, dreams and the nature of reality”

Searching for Sugar Man Official Trailer (2012) – Documentary

This is an astonishing movie about an enigmatic and remarkable individual. I challenge you to find it and watch it without tearing up. Sony Pictures Classics presents ‘Searching for Sugar Man’. A film a following the story of two South African fans who set out to find out what really happened to their hero, Rodriguez,ContinueContinue reading “Searching for Sugar Man Official Trailer (2012) – Documentary”

App for deaf people to ‘hear’ group conversations

Smart, very smart use of technology to enhance lives. Researchers have developed the first mobile app to make group conversations possible between deaf people and their hearing peers. The Transcense app “listens” and interprets conversations, providing real-time captioning on mobile devices. Indiegogo campaign : Transcence website : via [New app letsContinueContinue reading “App for deaf people to ‘hear’ group conversations”

Firechat Enables the Crowd to Become the Internet –Bypassing Central Powers | Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Digital Business

Keep an eye on this. Mesh networking should be more of a player as proliferation of mobile devices increases. Especially in high density populations. Firechat Enables the Crowd to Become the Internet –Bypassing Central Powers | Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Digital Business.

NYT on finding ourself in the cloud

Interesting bit from an article in the New York Times about self-tracking – this bit rang a bell in my head around humanity / culture driving technology creation to fulfil its desires. NYT Article One of the reasons that self-tracking is spreading widely beyond the technical culture that gave birth to it is that weContinueContinue reading “NYT on finding ourself in the cloud”

Network learning – Social Media helps us learn

Some interesting thoughts in an article titled “Social Media’s Effect on Learning” over on a WSJ Blog. Some snippets: “Bilingual people aren’t cognitively smarter, but they are more cognitively flexible,” “Practice at constant switching improves an aspect of their cognitive abilities.” “This is much like what people do when they’re updating their Twitter status, instant-messagingContinueContinue reading “Network learning – Social Media helps us learn”

Depth = Full Focus Attention

Mark Pesce in his contribution to a piece on ABC Unleased shares in “My dreams for 2010” What Mark refers to as depth is what Linda Stone calls “the next aphrodisiac” in her talk at Supernova 2005 – Full Focused Attention.  Five years into Linda’s 20 year cycle framework of culture, cycle where swinging backContinueContinue reading “Depth = Full Focus Attention”

MediaFuturist: The abbreviation of everything

I think the increasing shortening of people’s digital attention span, and the trends towards reading and writing quick blurbs and instant nuggets of wisdom (of which I am plenty guilty myself) will sooner or later spawn a trend back towards deeper reading and writing, just like the success of the console game GuitarHero has resultedContinueContinue reading “MediaFuturist: The abbreviation of everything”

Me, We and the Network – shout-out

On of my ‘Network’ friends, Nancy White, from Full Circle Associates in the States, has been out here in Australia doing some presentations. Here’s a snippet where my ‘We’ friend Mike Seyfang and I get a shout-out in her Keynote at the Learning Technologies 2009 Conference held this week in Qld. It makes me thinkContinueContinue reading “Me, We and the Network – shout-out”

You can’t have inclusion without openness

You can’t have inclusion without openness. That may seem obvious to some. But it’s true power hit me like a ton of bricks when it popped into my head. More-so as I’ve been hung-up and writing on this openness thing for ages, on many levels, not being able to articulate the importance my gut wasContinueContinue reading “You can’t have inclusion without openness”

The Social Internet as Social Assistive Device

The social web offers a means of engagement that trascends the technology and transforms lives. Strangely or not, I tend not to see myself as disabled. Maybe that’s why I tend to focus on sharing more about what I’m doing than who I am or what I think about disability specific things – whatever thoseContinueContinue reading “The Social Internet as Social Assistive Device”

The Social Internet as Social Assistive Device

The social web offers a means of engagement that trascends the technology and transforms lives. Strangely or not, I tend not to see myself as disabled. Maybe that’s why I tend to focus on sharing more about what I’m doing than who I am or what I think about disability specific things – whatever thoseContinueContinue reading “The Social Internet as Social Assistive Device”

Tweenbots: displaying our humanness

Tweenbots Something about this is neat. The act of helping is so ingrained and helping robots reveals something inherent about our humanness. Were these ppl helping to be a part of something? Or because they knew there must be human behind it? Unorganised crowd sourcing. Fascinating. Dave [via David Weinberger]

Adelaide Tweetup at Kappys

Went to my first Tweetup today. Was held at Kappys in Flinders St. Was great meeting some of the Adelaide twitter folk (oh, and @silkcharm, who is an ex-Adelaide girl). Some I already followed and now have some new ones. Here’s some pics: (more here) UPDATE: @silkcharm has posted a qik video: Dave

Incandescent Blue in October – Between a laugh and a Tear

October is Anxiety and Depression Awareness Month. October 10 is World Mental Health Day. Expect to see lots of Blue. A lot of my Twitter friends are already turning blue and are doing various things, calling it Blueday2008 and using the hashtag. I’m never one for jumping on bandwagons for the sake of it. LikeContinueContinue reading “Incandescent Blue in October – Between a laugh and a Tear”

Voice still the final frontier for input.

When I caught the news about BT buying Ribbit I took notice. Why? Because. Because I know JP enough (podcast) to know it’s got significance for the future. Because I know the power of voice as the primary means of communication to build relationship. Because I believe culture creates the technology it needs to fulfillContinueContinue reading “Voice still the final frontier for input.”

Post Industrial Context Shifting and Network Productivity

Back in 2005 after thinking about “Attention, Recognition & Context” I wrote in 2006 that I was “hung up on the concept of context”  and a bit later “On context and openness” Which lead to the thinking about how I do what I do at Lifekludger, documented in the “Contexts and Clues” section of theContinueContinue reading “Post Industrial Context Shifting and Network Productivity”

ConnectingUp – Get ConnectED: Weaving A New Social Web for People with Disabilities.

The following is fro the Blog of Beth Kanter, a friend who’s up in Brisbane at the ConnectingUp Conference for Non-profits. Big thanks to Beth. I am posting her notes on this breakout session as it highlights some of the key Benefits and Barriers for people living with disability participating in the digital space -ContinueContinue reading “ConnectingUp – Get ConnectED: Weaving A New Social Web for People with Disabilities.”

People don’t scale, People Networks do.

Cross posted from Lifekludger blog I read with interest my good mate, Hugo Ortega’s UberTablet blog. Hugo was the very first guest on our Extraordinary Everyday Lives podcast and, outside of my regular colleagues, has been the single biggest supporter of my Lifekludger endeavours, and indeed myself, in a substantial way – providing equipment toContinueContinue reading “People don’t scale, People Networks do.”

Share : Connect – World Of We

My friend Biff from Naked Yak wrote something ages ago I’ve wanted to reiterate here as it’s very important: Naked Yak 27/01/08 8:04 AM NakedBiff Nurturing The more we share the more we know each other, the more we have in common. In this sense, how we use the technology that is available to usContinueContinue reading “Share : Connect – World Of We”

Second Life, the ABC and Virtual Social interactions

UPDATE: The Producer of the show sent me the audio and I’ve snipped out music and commercials. You can listen here. Just like Laurel, I was asked on the ABC Radio Tuesday night to talk about Second Life (SL). Evidently the show was about online relationships, not just SL, but I didn’t know this beforehand,ContinueContinue reading “Second Life, the ABC and Virtual Social interactions”

Where we need to get back to

Real community and why we are building tools to connect to each other: “One of the things that characterizes people living in difficult conditions is a very well-developed sense of how dependent we humans are on each other,” says Cockburn. “There’s a sense of community that is beyond anything that one encounters in the developedContinueContinue reading “Where we need to get back to”

Second Life and The Podcast Network HQ

Some of you may have been wondering why I’ve been a bit quiet on here of late.I’ve been flat out in Second Life (SL) helping get a base for The Podcast Network up and established. It’s been a heady couple weeks which started innocently enough with Cameron Reilly asking me about getting a little placeContinueContinue reading “Second Life and The Podcast Network HQ”